8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick 8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick

8th Air Force 93rd BG 330th Sqd - Hardwick

An 8th Air Force Grouping to Robert W Berger Waste Gunner with the 93rd BG 330th Squadron, station 104, Flying B-24’s out of Hardwick, Norfolk.

Unfortunatley Robert was KIA on 25th February 1945. His aircraft was attacked and the crew were ordered to bail out. Another Gunner crew member was badly injured during the attack (SSgt John H McDonald Jr.) whose parachute had been damaged in the attack and was unserviceable. Robert didn’t leave his fellow crewman, he attached his friend to his parachute and both bailed out together. They both died on landing the heavy weight of two was too much for a safe landing.
The Group consists of the following items:-
Large Album which includes:-
Original Purple Heart Citation.
AAF Citation of Honor.
Large Photo of Sgt Berger with his crew all named.
Original Telegram to his mother of his death.
Original letter from the 93rd on his death.
Personal diary with entries from November 30th 1944 until 23rd February 1945, the day before his death.
Many newspaper articles and mentions his track sterling days running.
Memorial programs and many condolence letters to his parents.
Many letters he sent home.

Code: 57837